Mulberry were tasked with developing Diversey’s Pro Formula website, dedicated to delivering practical, tailored solutions to cleaning problems that typically confront small business owners on a daily basis. The project aim was to provide a full range of Diversey’s professionally formulated cleaning products, in partnership with trusted big Unilever brands – Cif, Sun, Comfort, Domestos and Persil – licensed by Diversey for customers to purchase.
As a well-respected multinational, Unilever has many familiar global brands in the cleaning sector. Diversey has also established a high profile global presence for its cleaning and hygiene technologies with a portfolio of professional, cost-effective and sustainable products.
The challenge involved providing information in a clean, uncluttered visual style to fulfil the ambition of creating an easily accessed online library/archive of relevant and focussed cleaning tips. The navigational priority was to guide users quickly to the relevant information. The architectural challenge was to structure the information to connect the advice and appropriate related products, whilst incorporating a number of extra dimensions that reinforce the solution, but which were not to unnecessarily obstruct the rapid route to purchase.
Pro Formula is conceived as a tip-based website aimed primarily at small businesses – such as hotels, B&B’s, restaurants, healthcare establishments and care homes. The strategy is that this will build over time in to a powerful resource of concise, practical help for small businesses, while disseminating awareness of the Diversey brand and products. This is achieved by dividing information into three main sections, which filter down into six key small business environments.
These common environments are then filtered to enable choice of a list of common problem questions, alongside a featured personalised question and ProStory tip/video. A 24-hour Ask an Expert facility enables users to request advice from Diversey’s resident cleaning experts. Each of the find a solution tip list goes to a standalone page incorporating advice, suggested products, a ProTip; as well as alternative solutions, and a ‘How To’ video.
Pro Formula was uploaded in 22 different languages for 19 Countries in one CMS. The site also integrates a GEO Redirect feature which acts as a global product filter. Two other notable features include the extensive Choose Product – Filtering System product finder which filters by application area, of which there are 11 on the site, through 23 potential applications – then via product suitability, format, brand and a type/buy facility. There is also the opportunity to take a Virtual Tour in all six main cleaning-focussed environments.
Virtual Reality integration into the site allows navigation around four common small business locations where cleaning problems are heightened, identifying problem areas and selected product solutions. The site also facilitates a 360 degree image on mobile where users can take this to another level.